"They were blessed and chosen because their actions signified their loyalty to the covenant.  Their zeal for the Lord caused the Levites to be set apart as caretakers of the tabernacle and as aides to the priests." - Numbers 1:47-53

Who are the Levites?

Are you looking to make friends, discover a Jesus-centered community, or just want to get involved with all that is happening at New Hope Eugene? Then come and check out the Levites!

Our Levites Ministry believes that a job is an opportunity to live life together. While we do oversee the cleaning of the facilities, set up for various events and ministries, facilitate renovations and small projects here at the church, we do so much more than that TOGETHER.

We also share meals together, study the bible together, and enjoy numerous activities outside of the church...TOGETHER!  All of this is to grow together in Christ.  So please, come enjoy some food and community with us and let's discover the joy we have in Christ TOGETHER.

Opportunities To Serve

With Levites, you have many opportunities to serve:

  • Saturday Service Set-Up
  • Sunday Service Cleaning, Set-Up, & Tear Down
  • Tuesday Special Projects
  • Thursday Campus Clean-Up
  • Other various projects/assistance to ministries at the church

Ready to join the Levites?

Fill out this quick iServe form to get started!


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