At New Hope Eugene, we believe the cheerful giving of our finances is an act of worship. We ask our members to give not by meeting some obligatory percentage, but by gladly sacrificing for the sake of the gospel because Jesus sacrificed for us, and all we have is His.

As a matter of practice and principle, all gifts are allotted to New Hope Eugene’s general budget unless they are a gift for a specific activity or program (ie, Harvest Offering, Future + Hope, Camp Scholarships).

If New Hope Eugene is your home church, then we welcome you to give and have several different ways for you to do so:

Online Giving

Our online giving, which is part of myNHE, is a quick and easy way to tithe. Simply put in the amount you’d like to give, choose the Designated Account, and follow the promptings to enter in your giving information.

Give Here



During each of our weekend services, we take an offering after worship. Offering envelopes are provided and available at the church and can be deposited in the offering baskets as it comes around. We also have a secured Tithe Box available in the lobby at all times that offerings can be dropped in anytime throughout the week and weekend.

Donations can be mailed to:
New Hope Eugene
1790 Charnelton St.
Eugene Oregon, 97401

Our church exclusive SMART GIVING number is 541.444.0096.
Use this number as the person you are texting to, then simply text “Give” and wait for the response with directions on how to give.  After the initial setup, giving is as easy as texting the amount.
1. Text "Give" to 541.444.0096
2. Enter the amount you want to give
3. Follow the directions 


Simply download the New Hope Eugene App and click on the “Give” tile. Follow the directions as to the amount you would like to tithe, the Designated Account, and your payment information. After your initial tithe, you can have your information saved for easy accessibility for the next time you’d like to tithe.